Learning to Live

The staff, pupils and governors would like to welcome you to Ravensdale Junior School and website.

Living to Learn..

We are a friendly, happy and vibrant school where our RAVENS values shine through everything we do.

Our School Office is open from 8am-4pm.

Our Values and Ethos:

Ours is a happy school where children are well cared for, encouraged and supported to achieve their best and develop the skills necessary to be independent learners. Our ethos is underpinned by our RAVENS attitudes; you and your children will quickly become familiar with these!

Promoting British Values:

As a school community we strive to develop a sense of the value and power of education. The curriculum is the essence of what is taught in our school and it is imperative that it is relevant as well as organic, continually evolving to meet the needs of the pupils through the delivery of a high quality, inclusive and broad curriculum.
As a community we are committed to ensuring our pupils experience and develop responsible environmental and democratic principles so that they are equipped to meet the challenges of their futures through a practical and relevant curriculum.
We are dedicated to preparing our pupils for success in an ever-changing world by creating and nurturing a community of life-long learners and responsible citizens who embrace and promote British values.


As a school, we aim to:

• Provide an atmosphere in which children feel happy and secure where there is a strong and consistent expectation of good behaviour, positive attitude, mutual respect, trust and honesty,

• Enable each individual child to develop the life-long skills necessary for an ever changing world and the positive attitude to allow their full potential to be reached,

• Continually develop an increasingly enriched and exciting curriculum within an inclusive learning community,

• Embrace and value contributions made by our children, promoting self-esteem and enabling them to develop into respected members of society, • Develop meaningful partnerships with parents/carers and other members of our community.

• Personalise learning to cater for individual needs and styles, helping to develop independence, co-operation and lively, enquiring minds,

• Enable children to acquire moral values and respect for others’ culture, background and religious beliefs All staff at Ravensdale are committed to helping pupils achieve high educational standards within a caring and positive environment. We regularly review all material relating to the curriculum to ensure equal educational experiences for both girls and boys and children from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Download our latest prospectus.


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Inclusion Charter



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Transform Trust

Ravensdale Junior School is in partnership with Transform Trust. We are an innovative Multi Academy Trust, established in 2013. We currently have 18 member schools with new schools continuing to join us. We like to think our values and ethos set us apart from other Trusts in that we have a strong focus on empowering our member schools to drive their improvement journey whilst maintaining their own individual identity and community focus. We promote the autonomy of each of our schools by operating as an enabling organisation.

Through our Trust and Teaching School, we offer unrivalled opportunities for professional development and networking, from specialist leadership support and mentoring for our Headteachers to bespoke CPD for teaching and support staff. 

We have cultivated a strong supportive environment for our schools that utilises the collective skills and knowledge of our independent-minded Headteachers and practitioners, enabling our schools to achieve high educational standards.


Find out more about Transform Trust here.

Key Updates:

For the latest letters, information about term dates and newsletters please click here

We use the Teachers2Parents Messaging Service.

We also use Class Dojo







Ravensdale Junior School
Devonshire Drive
Mickleover, Derby
Telephone: (01332) 512373
E-Mail: admin@ravensdalej.derby.sch.uk

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© Ravensdale Junior School - All right reserved - Website Terms and conditions.

Transform Teaching Alliance

Transform Trust, Unit 11, Castlebridge Office Village, Kirtley Drive, Nottingham, NG7 1LD

Tel: 0115 9825090
Email: pa.ceo@transformtrust.co.uk

Transform Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 08320065.