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Admissions Arrangements

At Ravensdale, we have a planned admissions (PAN) number of 360 places, which are all allocated by Derby City Council. To apply for a place at our school, please visit HERE


Any appeals need to be done through school - please collect a form from the School Office or call them on 01332 512373 for more information.

For further information about applying for a place, please visit


Applying for a Junior School place in 2025

The LA will act as a clearing house for the allocation of places by the relevant admission authorities in response to CAFs received. Except where acting in its separate capacity as an admission authority for community schools, the LA will not make any decision with respect to the offer or refusal of a place in response to any application form.

  1. The application window opens on 4 November 2024 (or the next closest working day)
  2. The LA will contact parents’ resident within Derby City with application packs by 14 November 2024 at the latest.
  3. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
  4. By 23 January 2025 the LA will send to other local authorities details of the applicants who have applied for schools in their area.
  5. By 15 February 2025 the LA will send to the admission authority of each Derby City school details of all the applicants who have applied for a place at their school. The LA will also provide details of all applicants who have applied for their schools by use of the Schools Access Module (SAM) and any supplementary information received.
  6. In considering applications for admission to Derby City schools the order of ranking as stated on the CAF will not be revealed.
  7. By 6 March 2025 the LA will have received from other admission authorities in Derby City a list of children who can be offered a place and those who cannot. All applications should be ranked, not just those to whom places can be offered.
  8. By 13 March 2025 the LA will compare the list of provisional offers for all Derby City schools against the list of provisional offers from other admission authorities and:
    a) determine which provisional offers will be made to Derby City residents taking into account the ranking of the preferences on the CAF.
    b) inform Derbyshire County Council, other local authorities and other admission authorities of those provisional offers which are to be accepted and of those which are to be withdrawn.
  9. The single offer will be the highest ranked preference school named on the application/CAF form.

Transform Trust has varied the Admission Arrangements 2025/26, relying on the provision in paragraph 3.6 School admissions code 2021 ( which provides that an admission authority can vary its arrangements to give effect to a determination of the adjudicator or to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the Code or a requirement of admissions law.