The teaching of English at Ravensdale Junior School, aims for each child to read, speak and write with confidence and understanding. Children explore a wide variety of genres varying from poetry and plays to biographies and reports.
Children are taught to read fluently and develop their comprehension skills through daily Shared Reading activities supported by the HfL research where vocabulary is explored in depth to support understanding which supports their writing across the curriculum.
Throughout all range of lessons, our children enthusiastically participate in drama and role play activities thereby enhancing their speaking and listening as well as immersing them in ideas and experience. Children gain confidence and collaborate in these activities supportively and maturely building on and developing each other’s ideas developing their powers of imagination. Alongside this, varied writing opportunities allow children to release their creativity, whilst cross curricular units support their knowledge and vocabulary acquisition in other areas.
Through the Ravensdale Writing Process, children are taught to plan and sequence ideas, draft, edit and redraft work independently, becoming critical writers with carefully crafted published pieces of writing.
Handwriting and presentation of work in English and across all subjects is of a high standard with children demonstrating pride in their work which they are keen to showcase.
Ravensdale Writing is celebrated across school and shared through our Dojo pages. We award Writer’s Award termly, hold termly, whole school writing events and participate in a range of competitions and themed days.
At Ravensdale we are passionate about writing and truly believe that, “You can make anything by writing.” (CS Lewis)